On October 3 Susan and I completed the Cathedral Range Enchainment (a.k.a. Cathedral Range Traverse). With wild fires burning across the Sierra it was a smoky day out. We almost bailed, but thankfully Susan convinced me we should continue.
Topo map of the Cathedral Range Enchainment
Similar to the more popular TMC traverse, the Cathedral Range Enchainment involves climbing a large amount of low 5th and 4th class terrain. The route is about 13 miles long, with around 6,000 feet of elevation gain. We did a mixture of simul-climbing and soloing. Along the way we summited Cathedral Peak, 3 of the Echo Peaks (Echo Peaks 3, 2,1), Cockscomb and Unicorn Peak.
I will confess that the combination of the endless fires, hot weather, and pandemic really sucked all the climbing stoke out of me by mid-summer this year. I am really grateful that Sue put up with grumpy attitude and provided the momentum to keep this one going. Susan has really matured as a climber and has become my go-to partner for alpine climbing ventures. Thanks Sue!
Smoky views
Sue with an ethereal halo
Like climbing on another planet. Cathedral Peak in the right background
Heading down. Cockscomb in the background
Awesome day with an awesome partner